Sunday, August 30, 2009


Women's$99) ($129.95) ($22.10)
While traveling the past few weeks, I noticed a trend coming out just in time for the fall! Studded heels and booties!! So exciting! Now your shoes are wearing jewelry!! These studded shoes are a great accessory for the fall especially when you start wearing coats and scarves and the only thing you can see are your feet. This way your feet can express your style as much as your ears! But ladies please! DO NOT GET CRAZY WITH buying the studded shoes and all of your sudden your feet look like your little sister, cousin, niece or daughter bedazzled your shoes!
They do of course all range in price and as you can see it's all about the preference of what statement you would like to say. I included the open-toe heel for all my fashionistas in the warmer climate areas like me and really don't know anymore what snow looks like! and the booties for my fashionistas that keep it rocking through the winter!
What do you think of this new trend? Is it something you would rock for the fall? Do you think it is a here now and gone tomorrow trend or will it last forever like tatoos?

photos courtesy of, and, respectively.